Fishing Research

Fishing Research (1)


Freshwater Fishing Questionnaire 2017 Results

Freshwater Fishing Questionnaire 2017 - Results

The Freshwater Fishing Questionnaire 2017 was developed by Curtis Draeger, President of the Sir John A. MacDonald Public High School Fishing Club, located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  As part of his Entrepreneurial Course and interests in fishing, Curtis was conducting market research to determine if a custom lure company could be a viable business, amongst a highly competitve industry.  The scope of questions and ultimately the results would be used to present in a classroom setting the likelihood of this type of business to be successful - or not.

Curtis thanks all participants in this survey and he is pleased to share the results in the attached PDF file. 

NOTE: The PDF is free to download and distribute.  We just ask that you recognize Curtis Draeger as the owner and FISHBUOY as the sponsor.

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