FISHBUOY Mobile Fishing App and Software
Try out FISHBUOY Mobile today! DOWNLOAD NOW and starting building your own personal history of fish catches!


You have a close group of fishing buddies and only share details about your day with them.  Normally, you send them a photo of your catch and they always ask about water conditions and what color worked best.  Sound familiar? NOW, you have the ability to share all this information and more with a single photo.   Share with buds, don't hold back!

Weather Information

Cloud Cover | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind Direction | Wind Magnitude | Atmospheric Pressure | Moon Phase

Water Information

Water Level | Water Discharge (Velocity Indicator) | Water Temperature* | Water Turbidity

Map Information

Geographic Location |Time | Trends Building | Data Validation

* - Data dependent on monitoring station data availability and varies from state to state, province to province. Talk with your local water agencies to expand the network!

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