How to identify a Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic Mackerel have long and pointed snouts with elongated bodies and backs colored in vibrant, dark, aqua-blue/green and wavy black lines extending from the top of the back and stopping at the silvery mid-section close to the lateral line.  The belly consists of a silvery-white coloration and possesses two spiny dorsal fins that are separated.  Two pectoral fins, with relatively small caudal and anal fins also spaced apart.  4-6 dorsal finlets and 5 analy finlets are common among the Atlantic Mackerel.  These fish are generally 30-60 cm in length.

Where to catch Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic mackerel are found on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean, including in the Baltic Sea. In the western Atlantic, they’re found from Labrador to North Carolina.


How to Identify a Atlantic Mackerel
 1 Long and pointed snouts with elongated bodies
 2 The belly consists of a silvery-white coloration and possesses two spiny dorsal fins that are separated
 3 Noticeable wavy black lines extending from the top of the back and stopping at the silvery mid-section


  • Baitfish Patches
  • Deep Shore Water
  • Jetties and Breakwaters
  • Rip Tides
  • Shore Points

  • Breakers
  • Floating Foam and Debris
  • Nearshore Reefs and Shoals
  • Roily Water
  • Surf and Shore

Acknowledgements:  We thank (, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department of Natural Resources for their contributions to these FISH FACTS.